​Polémique autour de la gestion des déchets à Ziguinchor: Dr Lamine Diedhiou has been sent to prison by the French authorities for his role in the disaster. 

  Waste management in Ziguinchor, in southern Senegal, has become a subject of intense tension, revealing a growing conflict between the town and the neighbouring locality of Tobor. At the heart of this controversy is Dr Lamine Diedhiou, a committed ecologist, who was deported to Ziguinchor after expressing his opposition to the dumping of municipal waste in his locality. This case raises crucial questions on freedom of expression, the rights of local communities and the environmental challenges facing African cities. His arrest followed his firm opposition to the Ziguinchor waste disposal project in Tobor, a nearby locality. This decision of the authorities has provoked a wave of indignation among the inhabitants of Tobor, who see it as an attack on freedom of expression and a disregard for ecological concerns. The latter fear that the dumping of waste from Ziguinchor will have disastrous consequences for their environment and health. They are particularly concerned about soil pollution, the contamination of water resources and the health risks linked to the presence of unmanaged waste. For them, the choice to dump the waste from Ziguinchor at Tobor is unacceptable, especially since no serious consultation has been carried out with the local population. 

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