​Range Rover case: the verdict has fallen for Wally Seck et Cie 

  The Court of Appeal of Dakar yesterday confirmed the judgment delivered in the first instance in the case of the Range Rover, in which the singer Wally Seck, the footballer Ibou Touré and other persons were cited. This means that, for the moment, the defendants are relaxed… nevertheless, Me Boubacar Dramé, avocat de la partie civile Lamarana Diallo, contacted, and revealed that he will pour se en cassation. It should be recalled that this case also involves Pape Massaly Niang, Serigne Mbacké Gueye, alias Baye Fall, Sanou Kébé et Abdou Dieng, poursuivis pour association de malfaiteurs, escroquerie, faux et usage de faux dans un document administratif, ainsi que complicité de ces infractions. When the civil party, Lamarana Diallo, had brought the case to justice, the tribunal correctionnel de Dakar, which had judged it on 21 April 2022, had annulled the entire procedure against these defendants. They were “saved” by the exceptions raised by the pool of defence lawyers, who had invoked the infringement of Article 5 of Regulation 5 of the UEMOA. These lawyers had argued that the procedure was tainted with irregularities, since the defendants had not been informed of their right to the assistance of a lawyer from the first hours of their arrest. It was on the basis of this vice de procédure that the tribunal correctionnel had abandoned the proceedings against them. Unfortunately for him, but fortunately for Wally Seck et Cie, the Court of Appeal confirmed the judgment of first instance. After some time of use, Wally Seck had sold this vehicle to Pape Massaly Niang, who, in turn, had ceded it to Guilé Sèye for an amount of 26 million CFA francs. However, it must be stressed that the victim, Lamarana Diallo, has finally recovered her vehicle. 

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