This Thursday, 13 March 2025, marks the end of the deadline for the registration of the deux-roues. The President of the Association of Thiak Thiak Drivers of Senegal, Mouhamadou Lamine Seck, announced that more than 200,000 motorcycles have been regularised. However, he considers the time limit insufficient to allow all motorists to comply with the regulations and calls for an extension of three months. ” At the moment, we are waiting for other motorcycles that are in the service of the mines to be registered. On ne nous a pas encore called for the récupération des plaques. At the moment, we are at 200,000 registered motorcycles “, declared Mouhamadou Lamine Seck sur Sud FM. He specified that the difficulties encountered concern mainly the obtaining of the Certificat de Mise en Circulation (CMC). “People who have CMC problems are obliged to go to the Customs to pay for a CMC and get their registration”, he explained. “There are a lot of Jakartaans who don’t have a driver’s license. If the State regulates the problems of registration and arrests for driving licences, it makes no sense”, insisted the president of the Association of Thiak Thiak drivers of Senegal. Faced with this situation, Mouhamadou Lamine Seck pleaded for an extension of the three-month deadline.
Registration of two-wheels: more than 200,000 motorcycles regularised, drivers demanding an additional delay