​Review of the situation in the former Soviet Union 

  Bonjour and welcome to Kewoulo. In this magazine, on Tuesday 11 February 2025, we explore together the burning subjects, the major issues and the unprecedented revelations that rhythm the Senegalese actuality. Restez avec nous pour tout savoir, sans détour… Politique et Gouvernance (Politics and government) (Stay with us for all you know, without detour) The rationalization of political parties. WalfQuotidien met en lumière the proliferation of political parties in Senegal, described as “capharnaüm”, and called for a rationalization. This reflects a growing demand for a strengthened regulatory framework, in order to structure a democracy sometimes eclipsed by an ineffective multiparty system. The convocations of political figures such as Farba Ngom and Tahirou Sarr, widely covered by Sud Quotidien, L’Observateur, and Les Échos, raise questions about the transparency and equity in the Senegalese justice system. Direct News reports that Farba Ngom has voluntarily presented himself to the DIC, in opposition to the accusations against him, which illustrates the complexity of the relations between justice and politics. The Mandate met with financial difficulties in the local authorities, reflecting a sometimes deficient budgetary management, amplified by the growing expectations of the population in terms of public services, natural resources and local development. 

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