​Senegal 2021-2024: 65 lives shattered, a bloody repression engraved in the history 

  Bilan définitif des décès issus de la répression des manifestations politiques au Sénégal (March 2021 February 2024) He was also a member of the Sénégal delegation to the UN Security Council and the Sénégal delegation to the UN General Assembly. A multidisciplinary team composed of about forty journalists, cartographers and data scientists, gathered within the #CartograFreeSenegal platform, carried out a meticulous work of investigation and documentation to establish an exhaustive balance of the victims of the repression of political demonstrations that occurred between March 2021 and February 2024 in Senegal. 65 deaths were recorded as a direct result of the violence during the demonstrations. 51 victims were killed by bullets, i.e. 81% of the cases, confirming a disproportionate use of lethal force by the forces of defence and security (FDS). Dakar and Ziguinchor, the epicentres of repression, recorded the heaviest figures with 40 and 19 deaths respectively. The average age of the victims was 26 years, illustrating the scale of the drama affecting mainly the Senegalese youth. The youngest victim was 14 years old, the oldest 53 years old. The socio-professional profile of the victims reveals that nearly 50% were workers or mechanics, while a quarter were students and students. This work of remembrance aims to prevent these victims from falling into oblivion, to restore their humanity beyond statistics and to recall the imperative of justice for these lives brutally interrupted. A bold and professional title 

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