A donation of 880 Ramadan baskets was offered on Thursday 6 March by the NGO Direct Aid aux populations de Diass et environs. A yearly initiative according to Abdelatif Jabrallah, Director of the Social and Educational Centre of the Humanitarian Organisation in Diass. “It’s a traditional programme that Ong has been carrying out since his installation in Senegal… The month of Ramadan is a sacred month and in our region Islam recommends that we assist the needy families during the fast. Therefore, it is our duty to do so for more than 30 years now and we hope that Allah will accept this donation which is intended for 10 thousand families throughout Senegal for a total amount of 131 million Cfa francs”, said Abdelatif Jabrallah before adding: “For Diass, each Ramadan basket is composed of a 50 kg bag of rice, a 5 litre bottle of oil, 5 kg of sugar and 4 500 g bags of milk. And here, the mairie de Diass is our premier et grand partenaire et cela fait de longues années that our partnership is sealed and it is the commune who organizes this ceremony de remise. And the truth is that since we started, everything happens in transparency with the support of municipal agents to execute the program. This proves that they are au service des populations. For the lists of beneficiaries, there is already a database at the mairie with scientific work and priority is given to widows, the disabled and vulnerable families.
Social Ramadan: The inhabitants of Diass benefit from a food donation by the NGO Direct Aid