For several days, speculation has been rife on social networks regarding a supposed separation between singer Wally Seck and his wife Sokhna Aïdara. However, a voice has been raised to clarify the situation: that of the singer Penda Guissé. In a recent declaration, Penda Guissé a tenu à dissiper tout malentendu… ” Je jure, Barki Khalifa Malick, Sokhna Aïdara is toujours chez Wally Seck. ” In a recent declaration, Penda Guissé a tenu à dissiper tout malentendu… ” Je jure, Barki Khalifa Malick, Sokhna Aïdara is toujours chez Wally Seck. ” In a recent declaration, Penda Guissé a tenu à dissiper tout malentendu… She is not a party”, she insisted. She also stated that she had exchanged telephone calls with Sokhna Aïdara, who had confirmed her presence in the marital home. Une mise au point which should calm the speculations, at least temporarily, on the situation of the couple. It remains to be seen whether the princes concerned will decide to speak directly to put a definitive end to these rumors.
Supposed divorce between Wally and Sokhna Aïdara: La vérité éclate enfin