In the light of the foregoing, the Commission considers that it is appropriate to refer the matter to the Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling. “He is calm, serene and even relieved”, confided one of his relatives to the newspaper Les Échos. “Since the time that he is accused without proof, he will finally be able to explain and demonstrate his innocence”. This is the last straw that breaks the camel’s back of Moustapha Diop’s financial involvement in the affair: “There is no recognition of debt or exchange of money between them. Until the extinction of the sun, no one will be able to prove any financial lien”. According to the same source, Moustapha Diop would have himself requested to be heard before the lifting of his immunity, but his lawyer opposed it, insisting on the respect of the legal procedure.
Tabaski Ngom: This is the surprising request of Moustapha Diop rejected by his lawyer