​The appointments of the Council of Ministers du 05 février 2025 

  Le Chef de l’Etat, Son Excellence, Monsieur Bassirou Diomaye Diakhar FAYE a présidé, ce mercredi 05 février 2025, la réunion hebdomadaire du Conseil des Ministres, au Palais de la République.. AU TITRE DES MESURES INDIVIDUELLES, which is to be held on the same day as the meeting of the Council of Ministers of the French Republic. The President of the Republic has taken the following decisions: In the name of the Ministry of African Integration and Foreign Affairs: Mr Moustapha NDOUR, Conseiller des Affaires étrangères principal, matricule de solde 514 533/C, précédemment Ambassadeur du Sénégal au Mali, is hereby appointed Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire du Sénégal auprès de Son Excellence Monsieur Frank-Walter STEINMEIER, President of the Federal Republic of Germany, in place of Monsieur Cheikh Tidiane SALL, who is hereby appointed to other offices. Mr Ibrahima SECK, Conseiller des Affaires étrangères principal, with a salary of 518 954/D, previously Premier conseiller at the Embassy of Senegal in Malaysia, is appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Senegal to Malaysia. Oman, to His Majesty Haitham Bin Tariq Al Saïd, Sultan of Oman, in place of Mr Serigne Aliou DEME. Mr Seydina Aboubacar Sadikh NDIAYE, Commissaire aux Enquêtes économiques, with the registration number 604457/D, is hereby appointed special adviser to the Primate. Mr Assane Diankha, Commissaire aux Enquêtes économiques, is hereby appointed Secretary-General of the Senegalese Export Promotion Agency (ASEPEX), in place of Madame Ndèye Oumou NDIAYE. 

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