​The case of the 700 million FCFA: vers la chute de Moustapha Diop? 

  The Minister of Justice, Ousmane Diagne, is preparing to address the National Assembly to request the lifting of the parliamentary immunity of Moustapha Diop, mayor of Louga and former minister. According to information reported by L’Observateur, a letter to this effect should be sent to the legislative authorities in the coming days. This procedure is taking place in the context of the case of Tabaski Ngom, former Deputy to the Controller of Economic Services (ACP) of the Commission de Régulation du Secteur de l’Électricité (CRSE), currently placed sous mandat de dépôt pour un détournement présumé de 700 millions de FCFA. At the origin of this case, Tabaski Ngom had herself lodged a complaint against Moustapha Diop, the accuser of not having reimbursed him this sum, which she claims to have lent him to finance his legislative campaign of 17 November 2024. However, this initiative has backfired: in the course of the investigation, the authorities have questioned his management of the funds, which led to his arrest and imprisonment. The lifting of the immunity of Moustapha Diop, if validated by the National Assembly, would open the way to possible legal proceedings against him. This dossier is already attracting a great deal of attention in the political class and in public opinion, especially as it raises questions about the financing of electoral campaigns and the management of public funds. 

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