​The Commission is also proposing to extend the scope of the programme to include the following areas: 

  Bonjour and welcome to Kewoulo. In this magazine, on Thursday 6 March 2025, we explore together the burning subjects, the major issues and the unprecedented revelations that rhythm the Senegalese actuality. Restez avec nous pour tout savoir, sans détour… Politique et Gouvernance (Politics and government) (Stay with us for all you know, without detour) Political events are marked by government announcements on the management of public finances. “L’État déterminé à solder le passif” (Le Soleil) and “L’État propose son calmant” (Le Quotidien) indicate a desire on the part of the government to alleviate the social tensions associated with debts and budgetary commitments. The emphasis is on fiscal reform and better financial governance. However, EnQuête put forward a “grand malaise au Trésor”, which could nuance this will to redress. The success of these initiatives will depend on the effective implementation of the announced measures and their acceptance by economic and social actors. 

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