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The Court of First Instance held that the Court of First Instance was entitled to rule on the application of the principle of proportionality.
Mr Konte, accused of having defrauded the family of the mayor of Sangalkam while the latter was in prison in the Juan Branco case, appeared on Wednesday 22 January 2025 before the Tribunal correctionnel de Dakar. He faces two years in prison, while his alleged accomplice, police adjutant A. L. Diop, faces six months in prison. Konaté is accused of fraud in connection with visa applications, carried by several victims. He was arrested in September 2024 following several complaints filed by individuals whom he had led to believe that he was a visa applicant, but also for the procureur de la République. Seul Konaté is a fait face to the judges. He admitted the offence of fraud, but contested the facts of outrage to the magistrate and of discrediting a judicial decision. Indeed, the investigation revealed exchanges between a cousin of the mayor of Sangalkam, then in detention in the Juan Branco case, and Konaté. He had promised him the release of the victim against the sum of 5 million CFA francs to “graze” the prosecutor and the magistrates. However, the civil parties who appeared affirmed that it was the Bureau de ce dernier where the décharges had been signed.
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