​The peace process from 1960 to the present day 

  It is a question, first of all, of explaining the importance of peace in the existence of the State, of institutions and of man. As a living human being, the State and its institutions require a certain degree of security for its protection and functioning. In concrete terms, it is a question of guaranteeing its territorial integrity, the well-being of its population, the survival of its institutions and the maintenance of its identity. In the case of the Democratic Republic of Congo, how can this be done? To respond to this concern, the approach of Professor Richard KADIEBWE de. The University of Kisangani is constituted in three phases, d’abord les notions de base pour mieux. understand the process; ensuite the peace process itself and pour finir les conclusions et les suggestions. On the basis of the basic notions, Professor Richard a dans un premier temps deemed it useful to add the notion de guerre which, in his opinion, is a variable inherent to the subsequent notion de paix. 

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