​”The preservation of glaciers is a matter for us all”, Cheikh Tidiane Dieye 

  On 22 March 2025, along with the international community, Senegal will celebrate the World Water Day under the theme “The preservation of glaciers”. This edition is of particular importance as it coincides with the first World Glacier Day and the International Year for the Preservation of Glaciers, proclaimed by the United Nations. During the official ceremony, Cheikh Tidiane Dieye, Minister of Hydraulics and Sanitation, recalled the urgency of the situation, citing alarming figures: “According to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), in 2023, the glaciers have lost more than 600 billion tons of water, the largest loss of mass recorded in half a century. I’m not sure. The glaciers are not mere masses of ice: they constitute the largest reservoirs of freshwater on the planet, holding nearly 70% of the world’s resources. Their accelerated source, fed by climate warming, profoundly modifies global water balances. 

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