Bonjour and welcome to Kewoulo. In this magazine, this Saturday, February 8, 2025, we explore together the burning subjects, the major issues and the unprecedented revelations that rhythm the Senegalese actuality. Restez avec nous pour tout savoir, sans détour Politique et Gouvernance: The European Union is the world’s largest and most powerful economic and financial power. Le Quotidien, Téral, et Enquête shed light on important political tensions, notably around figures such as Mansour Faye or the Pastef party. These articles reflect a Senegalese political scene marked by confrontations and challenges of power. The calls for a reform of institutions and criticism of governance, addressed by Le Public et Téral, underline structural dysfunctions and a growing distrust of the authorities. The IMF recommendations put forward by L’Indépendant underline major economic challenges, including the need for reforms to ensure financial stability. WalfQuotidien denounces the uncertainty that hangs over civil society, exacerbated by the suspension of USAID. This context reveals concerns about the financing of development programmes. Kritik focuses on student protests, highlighting a tense social climate and frustrations linked to education.
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