​The situation in the Middle East is changing rapidly. 

  Bonjour and welcome to Kewoulo. In this magazine, this Saturday, March 1, 2025, we explore together the burning subjects, the major issues and the unprecedented revelations that rhythm the Senegalese actuality. Stay with us for all you know, sans détour. Le marché en surchauffe (Enquête): The inflation continues to weigh on Senegalese households, with rising prices for several essential products. A new bitter deal for the national society (Enquête): The recent economic reforms raise concerns about their impact on local workers and businesses. In the Hell of the Licensed (Walf Quotidien): Thousands of workers are affected by redundancies, particularly in the banking and education sectors. The Treasury in an “association of criminals” (Libération): An affair involving the misappropriation of funds has involved several officials of the public treasury. Sarré announces a complaint against Macky (Rewmi): Following the report of the Court of Auditors, the businessman Sarré envisages an action against the head of state. Tahibou Ndiaye joins Farba in prison (Rewmi): An ex-high official joins other political figures behind bars. Sécurité et Faits de Société. La psychose des employés civils (Le Public): A tense atmosphere reigns in certain public sectors due to a climate of fear and uncertainty. (L’Obs) : The debate on a possible political rehabilitation of some controversial figures is raging. 

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