​”Thioune Boutique”, le célèbre “tiktokeur” de Touba sentenced to 1 year of prison, of which 6 mois ferme, and to a fine of 16 million francs 

  The judge of the tribunal de grande instance of Diourbel has finally not shown mercy to “Thioune Boutique”. This famous TikTokeur, resident in Touba and known for his recorded telephone calls in which he captures his targets, has been convicted. He was sentenced to one year’s imprisonment, of which six months were suspended, and a fine of 16 million francs to be paid to a pharmacist who had brought an action against him for fraud, accusing him of having abused his trust by extorting the sum of 15 million francs from him, without ever honouring his part of the contract, which consisted in delivering him three parcels of land. 

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