​This is the first time that the European Union has been involved in a major international sporting event. 

  L’heure de la justice is a sonné for the Senegalese Karate Federation. After passing through the ordeals of the custody of the Criminal Investigation Division (DIC) at the Port Commissariat, passing through the Central Commissariat and the Dakar Courthouse from Tuesday 18 to Friday 21 March 2025, the principal accused in the case of alleged embezzlement of public funds have obtained a provisional freedom under judicial control. Among them, the President, the Secretary General, the Treasurer General and the Deputy Treasurer General. Their salvation, they owe to the mobilization of their relatives who, in extremis, have gathered the 37 million CFA francs demanded by the justice for their safety. Placed under judicial control, they nevertheless remain under the threat of a procedure that promises to be formidable. A judicial battle is about to begin. If cette liberté provisoire sous contrôle judiciaire leur évite, pour l’instant, la prison, l’issue de l’affaire est loin d’être scellée. If this provisional liberty under judicial control avoids, for the moment, their imprisonment, the issue of the case is far from being sealed. 

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