​Three dead in the city of Keur Gorgui: here’s what the autopsy says 

  According to Seneweb, this Wednesday 12 March, L’Observateur is retourné sur les lieux du drame survenu la veille, à la Cité Keur Gorgui. Three workers lost their lives after falling from a 10-storey building under construction. The newspaper has learned that the victims fell into the void while they were cleaning the windows of the 8th floor. Two of the workers died instantly, according to the same source: Mamadou Lamine Diatta and Mamadou Nourou Camara. The third, J. Mendy, succumbed to his wounds in hospital. L’Observateur informs that the autopsy carried out on the bodies reveals multiple fractures, in the skull, in the mandible, in the pelvis as well as in the upper and lower limbs. “Following its conclusions, burial certificates have been issued to the bereaved families”, complements le quotidien d’information. 

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