The Edo State Police Command has apprehended three individuals for allegedly gang-raping a 12-year-old girl known as Miss Esther in Okpella, Etsako East Local Government Area. The Police Commissioner, Umoru Ozigi, revealed this information during a visit from the Administrator of the Office of Edo State First Lady, Mrs Edesili Anani, in Benin City. Ozigi assured that justice would be served for the victim and stated that the suspects are presently in police custody. Anani had previously commended the police for their actions. She praised the police for their quick response and called for justice for the little girl, who was reportedly gang-raped by five men on Christmas Eve, December 24, 2024, in Igiafodo Awuyemi, Okpella, Etsako East LGA. The administrator from the Office of the Edo State First Lady, who visited the victim at the Daisy Ehanire Danjuma Centre, promised that those responsible would face severe legal consequences. She emphasized that the Edo State Government is committed to ensuring that the offenders are prosecuted. “Edo State has zero tolerance for any form of violence, and we fully support the victim,” she declared. She condemned the assailants for allegedly recording the incident and sharing it on social media, noting that this evidence strengthens the case against them. “The video footage makes it impossible for anyone to hide this crime.” “The law will follow its due process, and these individuals will face firm consequences,” she stated. Anani also praised the Okuokpellagbe of Okpella, His Royal Highness Lukeman Akemokue, and his wife, Blessing, for their prompt response in exposing the situation and making sure that the victim and her mother were moved to Benin City for safety and medical assistance due to threats on their lives. “I truly want to commend your Highness.” He did an excellent job with his wife. In his community, Okpella Kingdom, an incident occurred that was not concealed. Upon seeing the videos, he took action. “When such events occur, it’s important to speak out for others because it could happen to your child tomorrow,” she advised. Meanwhile, the Okuokpellagbe of Okpella, Akemokue, praised the Governor of Edo State, Monday Okpebholo, and the First Lady’s office for their proactive response. Akemokue emphasized that the Okpella community will continue to support the administration.