​Transition Energétique: an innovative solar solution to reduce the costs of TER 

  A tripartite convention was signed on Monday to reduce the energy bill of the Regional Express Train (TER) and promote the use of renewable energies in Senegal. This partnership, planned for three years, brings together: La SENTER: Société nationale in charge of the management and maintenance of the TER infrastructure (stations, railways, technical installations, etc.) and the follow-up of the investments linked to the project. The SETER is a publicly owned company wholly owned by the State of Senegal. Private subsidiary of the French company SNCF. L’ANER: Agence nationale des énergies renouvelables, whose mission is to promote the integration of renewable energies in Senegal. This ambitious initiative, spearheaded by ANER, aims to power the TER and other rail and road infrastructures with solar energy. This partnership reflects a common desire to adopt innovative and sustainable solutions to improve the energy efficiency of the TER, while strengthening Senegal’s commitment to renewable energies. 

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