​Tuberculosis: more than 16000 cases registered in Senegal in 2024 

  In 2024, Senegal will have 16 595 cases of tuberculosis in all its forms, according to Fodé Danfakha, coordinator of the National Programme for the Fight against Tuberculosis (PNT), in an interview with the Agence de Presse Sénégalaise (APS). Tuberculosis mainly affects men, with 11 181 cases recorded, against 5 414 cases among women. It mainly affects young adults, an essential part of the working population, which amplifies its health, social and economic impact. As regards tuberculosis in children, 697 cases were diagnosed out of a target of 2 108. This low detection rate highlights the difficulties in identifying the disease in children, often linked to parental dependence on screening initiatives and obstacles to access to appropriate diagnostic facilities. In the case of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, 88 patients received treatment, with a success rate of 89%, very close to the target of 90%. 

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