L’Université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis is going through a particularly dark period, marked by an alarming psychological distress within its student community. After the tragic suicide of Matar Diagne, a new drama was avoided by justice: a student attempted to end her days in her room, plunging the university once more into emotion and anxiety. A few hours after the death of Matar Diagne, the campus was beset by a second tragedy. On Tuesday morning, a student was found dead in her room after ingesting a large quantity of pills, in an apparent suicide attempt. Alerted in time, the medical services of the UGB immediately intervened, stabilizing her condition before evacuating her to the Regional Hospital of Saint-Louis. Thanks to rapid and effective treatment, her life could be saved. She is currently placed under observation and her condition is considered out of danger. According to internal sources, the young woman was going through a period of great psychological distress. “She had absorbed several tablets, manifestly with the intention of attending to her life”, reports L’Observateur, citing the witnesses.
University Gaston Berger: student distress and the need for a psychological response