Feminist militancy has played a key role in the emancipation of women and the obtaining of certain rights. We have compiled a list of three women who have left their mark on the future of women in Senegal. She is a pioneer in the shadow of the great political struggles, born in 1879 in Saint-Louis (north of Senegal), she played a decisive role on the right to vote of women in Senegal. In his memoire de DEA (Diplôme d’études approfondies) entitled ” contribution à la réflexion sur la participation des femmes sénégalaises à la vie politique de 1945 à 2001 “, Seynabou Ndiaye Sylla relates a famous anecdote: SOUKEY KARE KONNA n’hésitait pas à provoquer son cousin LAEMINE GUEYE pour qu’il s’engage davantage. In his memoire de DEA (Diplôme d’études approfondies) entitled ” contribution à la réflexion sur la participation des femmes sénégalaises à la vie politique de 1945 à 2001 “, Seynabou Ndiaye Sylla relates a famous anecdote: SOUKEY KARE KONNA n’hésitait pas à provoquer son cousin LAEMINE GUEYE pour qu’il s’engage davantage. In his memoire de DEA (Diplôme d’études approfondies) entitled ” contribution to the reflection on the participation of Senegalese women to political life from 1945 to 2001, Seynabou Ndiaye Sylla reports a During a meeting in 1930, he publicly launched “if you are the worthy descendant of BACAR WALY GUEYE, you should not have fear… if you recover, give me your place and you will see how a femme se conduit “. Her determination was more than one can imagine, she mobilized the female electorate of Saint Louis by social events including dancing evenings followed by tea. These initiatives, although part of a festive context, carried a clear political message: women should participate actively in public life. Annette Mbaye d’Ernerville was born on 23 June 1926 in Sokone, in the Fatick region, in the Saloum area.
Women’s militancy and the 8th of March in Senegal