​Ziguinchor-Tobor: Women of the sacred wood and young people block access to protest against a garbage dump 

  A lively tension reigns at Tobor (south), a village situated in Lower Casamance, to the east of Niamone, in the boucle des Kalounayes. The same source informs that about fifty gendarmerie elements have been deployed to try to clear the main road leading from Marsassoum to Tobor. Women and young people have risen since morning to block the access roads to the village to protest against the erection of a garbage dump that serves the commune of Ziguinchor. The population evokes a real danger to public health with the continuation of this garbage erection. The women of the sacred wood and the young people who blocked all the access roads have been facing since this morning the forces of order who are trying to intervene to clear the roads. 

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