Fella Makafui, a Ghanaian actress and businessman, has announced on social media that she is engaged when more! Fella announced that she has decided to give like another chance after navigating the difficulties of her messy divorce with her ex-husband with the simple but powerful message,” I Said Well Again.”
This announcement comes after her very publicized and untidy divorce from her ex-husband, singer Medikal. The former couple’s broken was the subject of extensive media coverage, with rumors and speculating about what caused their parting. Despite the emotional burdens, Fella has chosen to move ahead, embracing a new book in her life.
Fans and friends who praised Fella’s tenacity and determination to open her center once more had greeted her announcement with excitement and well-wishes. Some people have praised her for moving on, but others believe it to market a brand-new venture she is about to launch.
However, details of the lucky person remains a key as she is still to show him to the community.
Observe her article above,
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A post shared by Biggest Fella ( @fellamakafui )
Origin: Ghanacelebrities.com
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