​Grand-Dakar: Dr. Ndao is dismissed from the health centre to investigate the financial management of the chief medical officer 

  Dr. Maïssa Ndao is a physician at the Grand-Dakar health centre. On 28 January last, the chief medical officer of the health centre, Dr Modou Ndiaye, announced the end of his services and issued a note of service forbidding him access to the premises. He was not welcome. “Dès mon entrée dans la salle, le secrétaire exécutif du Comité de développement sanitaire (Cds) m’intime l’ordre de sortir”, relates l’intéressé in propos reprisés par le quotidien d’information du Groupe futurs médias. Faced with the refusal of Dr Ndao to leave the place, the meeting was postponed to 28 January, as reported by L’Observateur. This day came, the meeting took place, but under the surveillance of security agents who barred access to the young vacataire. “We generate the main part of the revenues of the health centres, by ensuring consultations, hospitalizations and prescriptions for care. Why then exclude us from this co-management meeting when the staff placed under our authority and headquarters? To denounce the dismissal of their colleague, the Movement of Young Doctors will sit in front of the health centre, this Monday 3 February, informe la même source. It informs that the sous-préfet, seized for arbitration by the Collectif des médecins du centre de santé de Grand-Dakar, did not intervene, while the secretary general of the Syndicat autonome des médecins du Sénégal (Sames), Mamadou Demba Ndour, promised a reaction from their organisation “as soon as he disposes of all the elements of the dossier”. 

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