​UGB in mourning: Matar Diagne, the weight of silence and sacrifice 

  L’émotion est vive à l’Université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis (UGB) après la découverte tragique du corps sans vie de Matar Diagne, retrouvé pending in his room. The University of Saint Louis (UGB) has been the site of a series of protests and demonstrations against the death penalty, including the murder of a woman whose body was found hanging in her bedroom. The young student had programmed a posthumous letter on his Facebook page, announcing his intention to put an end to his days, plunging thus his relatives and the university community into stupor and sadness. According to the information of the newspaper Libération de ce mercredi 12 février, it is one of the neighbors of Matar Diagne who made the macabre discovery. Panic-stricken, he immediately alerted other students before trying, in vain, to resuscitate him… a progressive isolation and a heavy burden. The comrades of the deceased, interrogated by the gendarmerie, have described a young man who has become increasingly self-contained in recent days. “He spent a lot of time writing”, they confided, stressing that he rarely spoke of his illness, of which few were aware. On the other hand, he sometimes evoked the difficult situation of his divorced parents and, above all, the worrying state of health of his mother, victim of a stroke. Matar Diagne, aged 26, was a brilliant student. 

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