Be Very Careful How You Deal With People, Not Everyone Is Forgiving – Kwaku Manu Advises The Public  

Kumawood actor cum content creator, Kwaku Manu has dished out valuable advice with the public on how to treat their partners and colleagues in relationships.

Speaking on the issue in a recent video, the actor cautioned against the growing trend of deceitful behaviour in romantic relationships, which he believes could have serious consequences in the long run.

According to Kwaku Manu, some men develop the habit of lying to women for personal gain, particularly in exchange for intimacy. They make grand promises and paint unrealistic pictures of commitment, only to disappear or “ghost” the women once they get what they want. This, he explained, is an unhealthy practice that leaves many women emotionally wounded and distrustful of men.

On the other hand, he also pointed out that some women enter relationships with ulterior motives, dating men solely for financial benefits. They lavishly spend their partners’ money, enjoy the luxury, and then leave them for someone else once they no longer find them useful. This, he believes, is equally damaging and creates a cycle of pain and resentment in relationships.

Kwaku Manu strongly advised against such manipulative tendencies, urging people to build relationships based on honesty, respect, and sincerity. He stressed that while some individuals may be forgiving, others are not, and mistreating the wrong person could lead to regretful consequences.














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