You might want to start by simply throwing the entire thing apart if you’re considering revamping the item selection on your bathroom shelf. Nearly 80 % of personal care products marketed to Black women contain at least one toxic ingredient, according to a new study by the Environmental Working Group ( EWG ) in collaboration with the Black-founded all-natural online marketplace BLK + GRN. ” I think most people think that if something entered the store, it had to be healthy,” said one person. That’s just not accurate, according to Kristian Edwards, the founder of BLK + GRN, in a new movie about the record. The common health advocacy team conducted online and in-store data collection and analysis from December 2023 through August 2024, working with BLK + GRN to detect 4, 011 products marketed to Black people containing harmful chemicals, according to EWG senior scholar Alexa Friedman, who emailed theGrio. According to Friedman, “everyone deserves access to safe merchandise.” According to Friedman,” the purpose of the report was to educate consumers about the pesticides in their personal care products,” including benzene dissipate, isothiazolinones, and unnamed perfume. She explained that formaldehyde-releasing ingredients can cause skin responses and eventually introduce consumers to cancer phenol. Unknown fragrances, according to Friedman, can contain any of 300 unique potentially harmful ingredients that are linked to cancer and reproductive health issues. Relaxers and scalp colour, two items that have semi-permanent effects, are still very concerning. Many people may be in a rush to slam their entire probably cancer-causing shelf after a first glance at it. But, Edwards made the suggestion that there should be trade-offs in the film so that it isn’t intended to spark “fearmongering.” Offer up something else with a high-hazard that your program is less dependent on if there is a high-hazard product you definitely cannot bear to part with, such as a leave-in condition with proven results you’ve searched for years or a sunblock that has reduced your hyperpigmentation. Read More:
A study finds harmful metals in condoms, including those labeled “organic” EWG’s Skin Deep database, which was created in 2004, takes some of the work out of the procedure for customers.” In order to comply, they must use these products with all of these harmful ingredients in them. Scores of products are listed on the online asset based on their ingredients, protection, and governmental information. The most recent study, which was released in February, is an upgrade to the 2016 EWG review that sought to determine whether there had been any significant change in the toxicology of products with particular statistical markings. More than 1, 000 products were analyzed by the document in 2016. Although it is estimated that there has been some progress in the last ten years, the poisoning has persisted despite the discovery that nearly 80 % of products targeted at Black women also contain at least one poisonous ingredient. We hope that the publication of this report will help to highlight the ongoing need for Black women’s beauty righteousness, which requires both consumer attention and structural change, Friedman told theGrio. It is possible to reduce exposure to harmful personal care product substances and work toward a more equal splendor industry by leveraging resources like EWG’s Skin Deep collection and advocating for stricter regulatory standards and protection. Consumer Reports discovered that ten of the most well-known brands of synthetic hair contain dangerous chemicals last month. According to Friedman, the next step should be to prioritize further research, better safety standards, and greater transparency from manufacturers, ultimately creating a marketplace where Black women can confidently choose products without having to weigh up the risk of different exposures and health outcomes.
Halle Berry was immediately taken off the red carpet for Adrien Brody when she saw him on the Oscars red carpet.
Over 3,000 beauty and hair products marketed to Black women are toxic, a new study finds. Did your tried-and-trues make the cut?