In a tweet, Seydina Oumar Touré, director general of the ASP has established a parallel between the American President Donald Trump and the Pastef. “In terms of ideals and political modus operandi, Donald Trump embodies the Pastef of the USA. Indeed, beyond the more or less subjective appraisals of which he is the object, this man approaches the Pastef du Sénégal in several respects “, writes the director of the Agence de sécurité de proximité (ASP) on its page X. He emphasizes that the quality of a man of State exceeds diplomas and appearances. “To be a statesman is to know how to bear the sufferings of one’s people, to work tirelessly for their development and to be personally prepared to pay the price of the collective well-being”, added the ex-gendarme. Before calling for the recognition that ordinary citizens, close to popular realities, can demonstrate more patriotism and integrity than some corrupt high-ranking officials, citing examples such as Lula and Lech Walesa, he calls for a redefinition of the concept of statesman, whereby every citizen, aware of the challenges of the people, can claim this role.
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