Go And Find A Job And Stop Spewing Rubbish Online – Peeps Tell Lady Claiming Alpha Hour, Duncan Williams And Pastor Oduro Are Occultic Men Of God  

A self-acclaimed lady of God has sparked anger on social media after making strong says that some of Ghana’s most popular ministers, including the creator of Alpha Hour Pastor Elvis Agyemang, Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams, and Pastor Kofi Oduro, are involved in mystical techniques.
The same person recently accused Dulcie, a Snap influencer, of joining an alleged wealth-gathering occult organization. Yet, in her latest film, she shifted her focus to well-respected men of God, claiming they use divine forces to control their communities.
According to her, Pastor Elvis Agyemang, known for leading Alpha Hour evening prayers, is reportedly using occultic power. She further claimed that Archbishop Duncan-Williams and the lord have made a deal to ensure that no Ghanaian makes it to god. Moreover, she claimed that Pastor Kofi Oduro, chairman of Alabaster International Ministry, is also part of a surprise occultic world.
Ghanaians have taken to social media to criticize her for making false accusations, but her controversial statements have not had a positive impact. Some have criticized her, urging her to find a job rather than spread rumors about well-known religious numbers.
Find employment and quit spewing unfreaks online, please! one unhappy writer wrote. Some people accused her of defaming herself through her claims, and others said she sought focus and influence.
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Origin: Ghanacelebrities.com
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