​Health in Senegal: Towards a revolution between mass recruitment and the private sector! 

  Invited by Point de Vue on the Senegalese Radio and Television (RTS), the Minister of Health and Social Action, Dr Ibrahima Sy, shed light on the challenges and prospects of the health sector in Senegal. In particular, it announced an ambitious plan to recruit between 3 000 and 4 000 health workers between 2025 and 2029, of which more than 60% will be from the medical and paramedical professions. “The information has been shared with the relevant authorities, and they will analyse the possibilities taking into account the resources available, as has been done in the education sector”, he stressed. However, he insisted that employment in the health sector should not be limited to the public service. According to him, the private sector has an essential role to play in the development of health infrastructures and the creation of employment opportunities. Dr Ibrahima Sy highlighted the importance of a strengthened partnership with the private sector for developing modern and high-quality hospital infrastructures. He believes that the creation of quality private hospitals in Senegal could considerably reduce the flow of Senegalese patients who go to Tunisia, Turkey or Morocco for specialized care. We must promote this model here, in order to offer quality medical services at affordable costs. 

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