Operation Shanela nets many criminals  

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The SAPS’ unwavering Operation Shanela continues to tackle crime head-on in hotspot areas, leading to multiple arrests, drug seizures, and the closure of illegal liquor outlets, all while engaging the community to address concerns like power shortages fueling criminal activity.

The SAPS’ multi-disciplinary Operation Shanela remains resolute in reducing crime in all the district’s hotspots.

Detectives nabbed 209 people for various offences while tracing suspects on Wednesday into the early hours of Thursday.

Crime Intelligence members arrested two people for dealing drugs.

Ekurhuleni deputy district commissioner Brigadier Lebohang Machakela led the operations comprising the SAPS, the EMPD, Home Affairs, Crime Prevention Wardens, Siyabangena patrollers, security officers and other stakeholders on Thursday morning to the Tsakane policing precinct, which led to the arrest of 15 illegal immigrants, six people for drugs possession, four for dealing in liquor without a license and closing five illegal liquor. Officers arrested two people for possession and dealing with dagga, issued three traffic fines valued at R700 and another for possession of a dangerous weapon (a replica firearm with live ammunition).

Five illegal liquor outlets are shut during the operation

Parallel to the operations in Tsakani, officers searched a secondary school, seizing dagga, boxes of matches, a piece of mirror and a pair of scissors. A roadblock was set up on Black Road near Duduza Rank.

A community imbizo was also held at Tsakani Ext 10 to let the community raise concerns and address issues around crime.

The community complained that their area has no electricity, which feeds crime because most people are robbed in their houses at night, while some get robbed on their way to and from work.

Machakela thanked the law enforcement agencies for their commitment to ensuring high visibility and bringing transgressors to book.

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