MzBel, a former Ghanaian singer and businessman, has confirmed that she has successfully reclaimed the$ 300 that she claimed was owed to her by church singer and reverend Sonnie Badu.
After a bargain broke, MzBel and Sonnie Badu were forced to pay her back in exchange for a failed settlement in an interview a few days ago. She continued to express her disappointment by criticizing the ostensible man of God for his stubborn refusal to repay the debt.
She claims that the man of God used her debit card to pay for something in the hope of recovering it, but for some purpose he kept his word.
Sonnie Badu has reportedly paid off the entire loan following the common explosion. In a follow-up meeting, MezBel revealed that she had received her wealth, confirming that the problem had been resolved.
Although she did not provide additional information about the nature of the transaction, her first appointment drew a lot of discussion and emotions online, with some people criticizing Sonnie Badu for the lag especially given that it occurred nine years ago. while others believed that MzBel could have handled the situation in a private setting.
With the payment being made, it’s still to be seen whether MzBel and Sonnie Badu will reconcile or whether their relationship has deteriorated as a result of this.
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